Government Guarantee

One thing you can always count on is the unwillingness of government to admit failure. Government’s response to a failing strategy is to double down. And it never works. The contemporary case in point is vaccination as a strategy to combat the Wuhan virus. While the mRNA vaccines are an amazing breakthrough in technology which will pay huge dividends in the years to come, they, like many a brilliant strategy, have been defeated by logistics. Distribution and administration are just too slow, to say nothing about legitimate concerns over side effects given the lack of a track record “in the wild.” The result is that the virus has outmaneuvered them. Mandating vaccination is the double down. Ask Israel if that works.

The bureaucracy, led by Fauci, is a prisoner of Big Pharma. You know, the folks who brought us Oxycontin. How the bureaucrats can ignore the successes in India and elsewhere with early treatment and live with their consciences as they watch the death toll climb is beyond my understanding. The Merck pill? At around $720 for ten pills – well I guess that can be approved, except for the fact that it is mutagenic – like thalidomide, except we know it going in. Warning people should work, and if it doesn’t then it’s those stupid illiterates’ fault, not ours.

Censorship and propaganda are keeping the failure hidden from most people. But that won’t work forever.

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