Be Careful Out There

The stock market is being driven by visions of some nirvana where “generative AI” has solved all the problems of the world. Of course this is typical of a technology-driven mania where 99.9% of the population has no understanding whatsoever of the realities of the technology. A steady flow of hype sustains the speculative mania until the music stops. Then a rush for the exits occurs, but alas the suckers are all in and there is a distinct lack of interest in catching a falling knife.

The study mentioned in the previous post is likely the first note of the coda.

The capital-weighted indexes reinforce the influence of the tech giga-caps, but behind the generals the troops are in bad shape. Breadth is poor, to say the least. Historically, the market has waited for the first Fed cut to collapse. I suspect that any rally from here will turn out to be a whipsaw, but that’ just me.

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